Banstead Village in Bloom. March 2018 - Chair’s update
You will no doubt be aware that in 2017 we entered the National in Bloom Competition for the first time in many years. We are pleased to be able to report that we were given a Silver Award, which for our first attempt was very pleasing. In addition, there were some very encouraging words from the judges.
With the judging for this year due to take place between 2nd and 13th July 2018, now is not the time to rest on our laurels. Our Steering Group, which involves 15 local community groups, organisations and individuals, has met twice since Christmas. We have agreed a possible route; engaged and encouraged some additional organisations, groups and individuals to participate; and sketched out a work plan.
We ran a Quiz Night in October 2107 to raise money to help us make Banstead Village in Bloom even better this year. Because of the support given we raised over £1,700 which was topped up to £2,000 by Banstead Village Residents Association. We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all concerned. We will spend this money on plants and materials; use it to pump prime small projects and to support projects which are awaiting a sponsorship decision, but the work needs to be done quickly if we are to be ready for judging. Our volunteers provide the expertise and labour.
Our entry will be assessed for efforts in the three key areas; namely Horticultural achievement, Community participation and Environmental responsibility. We are seeking to make Banstead cleaner, greener and safer; with a growing sense of community pride; resulting in increased commercial enterprise and an increased number of visitors to our village.
The High Street colour theme this year will be Red White and Blue to mark the centenary of the First World War. The following are some of the changes which we will be trying to achieve for this year’s entry: -
A specially designed Logo
Five Over Size Wheel Barrow Planters – 4 at Roundabout, Library end of High Street and 1 at the War Memorial end. These will be built by NESCOT; and sponsored and planted up by local schools.
Summer Flowers will be planted between heathers at library Roundabout.
Underplanting the trees along High Street
Replanting and New planting at War Memorial end of High Street together with a bank of Poppies.
Banners announcing our entry will be displayed and sponsored by businesses along the High Street.
New Planters and Bins in High Street
An extensive replanting of Lady Neville Park
In the areas outside Tesco’s, we will spruce up the fencing, repair the wall around the tree stump, put a planter on the top of the tree stump, provide a new bench seat, new top soil and grass seed the area, and arrange for a Community Notice Board to be erected.
Produce and display several ‘Pot People’ –Characters sitting on a chair with flower pots. Three in Horseshoe and others in appropriate places. These will be sponsored and maintained by the sponsor.
Wild flower bank in All Saints Church Grave Yard
A Best Front Garden Competition
A Best Shop Front Competition
We will also be including Lambert Road Allotments in our entry this year; featuring their Community Area with Seating, a Shelter made from recycled materials, raised beds and their wildlife area.
A recycling competition involving local brownies and beavers entitled STARFLOWERS
We are always looking for help, so why not join in, help your community and make new friends we’d love to hear from you. Please drop us an email or give us a call.
Our Steering Group Members see this, the second year of a long and fruitful partnership which can only benefit our friends, neighbours and visitors.
David Martin MBE
Chair, Banstead Village in Bloom Steering Group
01737 200 181